This Zwickau tailor takes measurements for the future of her guild
From Johannes Pittroff
Zwickau - Tailors seem to belong to a bygone era, but a Zwickau entrepreneur is leading the craft into the future. In her new store, Kerstin van den Bosch (49) wants to offer individual style to the gentlemen of the world. Because they are increasingly swearing by made-to-measure clothing again.
For 30 years, the Zwickau-based family business van den Bosch has focused on classic and extravagant men's clothing, and Kerstin van den Bosch has been there almost from the beginning. "Our industry used to be bigger here," she recalls. "But many companies have gone abroad for cost reasons. abroad."
She and her five seamstresses, on the other hand, not only not only with domestic production, but also with textiles from Germany.
The concept is increasingly becoming a "For a few years now, people have been increasingly people have increasingly come to value local production," says the entrepreneur. "The environmental issue is a big factor there."
She and her five seamstresses, on the other hand, not only not only with domestic production, but also with textiles from Germany.
The concept is increasingly becoming a "For a few years now, people have been increasingly people have increasingly come to value local production," says the entrepreneur. "The environmental issue is a big factor there."

And tailor-made clothing is quite affordable - a suit for the youth dedication ceremony starts at 150 euros, while the average men's suit costs 370 to 450 euros.